DotAsia is introducing Simplified and Traditional Chinese, Japanese and Korean IDN characters under the TLD .ASIA.
For more information please read the .ASIA IDN Policy here.
Sunrise Period: May 11 (12:00 UTC) to July 20, 2011 (24:00 UTC)
The Sunrise is divided into three concurrent phases:
Sunrise 1 (SR1): for domains from the governmental reserved names list
Sunrise 2 (SR2): for registered trademarks
Sunrise 3 (SR3): for registered names and extended protection (e.g. for ASCII .ASIA domain name holders with Romanized or transliterated names).
Landrush Period: August 2 (12:00 UTC) to October 11, 2011 (24:00 UTC)
The regular ASCII .ASIA prices apply, minimum registration period: 2 years.
If only one application is received for a domain name during Sunrise and Landrush, the domain will be allocated to the applicant. If there is more than one successful application for the same domain name, the domain will go to an auction.