The Kenyan ccTLD operator KENIC will launch second level .ke domain names on 23 July with a 90 day Sunrise period for trademark holders whose trademarks have been registered under Kenya’s Trade Marks Act. The second level domains will be available alongside the existing third level .ke domains.
Following the Sunrise period, there will be a 30-day Landrush. At the end of the Landrush Period, any domain names with only one applicant will be allocated while for those with more than one applicant will proceed to a registry auction between the competing applicants and awarded to the highest bidder.
Following the Sunrise and Landrush periods will be a 30-day cooling off period where the registry will assess whether the applications meet the eligibility criteria for the respective phases.
Approximately 150 days after the launch of second level domain names, in mid to late December, General Availability will commence. While some of the third level domains require “supporting documents”, it appears .ke and do not have any requirements for the registrant to be located in Kenya.
Contact us to register your .ke domain at [email protected]