Registry Lock is now available for all .BANK and .INSURANCE domain names. A registry lock can help ensure that your .bank or .insurance domain does not get hijacked. Domain name hijacking occurs when an attacker gains unauthorized access to registration data for a domain name, thereby gaining administrative control over the domain that enables them to modify several elements of the domain, including the website to which the domain resolves.
A registry lock works as follows - if anyone requests a change to a Registry Locked domain, an authorized individual at Lexsynergy must submit a request to Verisign to unlock the domain name. This requester is then contacted by Verisign via phone and required to provide an individual security phrase in order for the name to be unlocked. This “out-of-band” step protects against automation errors and system compromises. Registry Lock is also available for other extensions like .com, .net, .uk, .eu, etc.
If you'd like to add registry lock to your domain, or for more details including pricing, email us at [email protected].